
YOU better get ready... FPU is coming to CPC!

Photo courtesy of just.julie

Though you can see the words I've typed, at this moment I'm at a loss for words.The Lord keeps orchestrating things so wonderously that I'm truly overwhelmed!

We got an email from a young couple that we shared our testimony with earlier this week. I'm already so proud of them because I can see that they WANT to be debt free. They're going to be yet another powerful witness for others wanting to do this. I can already see it in them.

But I digress, they emailed to let us know that in September our church will be conducting Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University! (Click here for details on this awesome program)

Financial Peace University is a 13 week course that tackles everything you will ever need to know about money. It's the most thorough, thought provoking and FUN approach I've ever seen toward financial matters!

Pasted below are the descriptions of each topic covered:

  • Super Saving - In this lesson, Dave explains the Seven Baby Steps that will guide you throughout FPU. You will also learn the three key reasons why you should save money—and why you must start now!
  • Relating With Money - This lesson will teach spouses how to communicate and work together toward success. Also, singles will learn the importance of teamwork and parents will find out how to teach their kids about money.
  • Cash Flow Planning - Unlock the secret of developing a monthly spending plan that really works.
  • Dumping Debt - It’s time to debunk the myths that most people believe about debt! In this lesson, Dave Ramsey reveals the truth about the credit lies and gives you a plan for walking out of debt with confidence.
  • Credit Sharks in Suits - What is a credit score, anyway? Join Dave as he unpacks your credit rating and shows you how to handle collectors when they call.
  • Buyer Beware - Dave Ramsey draws on decades of experience to reveal the power and influence that marketing has on your everyday buying decisions. Let the buyer beware!
  • Clause and Effect - In this lesson, Dave walks you through the world of insurance, carefully explaining what you need—and what you need to avoid.
  • That's Not Good Enough! - Discover the seldom-used secrets of buying only big, big bargains—every time! Before you know it, you’ll be saying “That’s not good enough!”
  • Of Mice and Mutual Funds - Dave breaks through the jargon surrounding long-term investing and empowers you to make your own decisions about your investments!
  • From Fruition to Tuition - Dave walks you through the maze of retirement options and helps you figure out the right path for you. You will also learn how to plan for college so your kids can graduate debt free!
  • Working in Your Strengths - This lesson will show you how to avoid dead-end or mind-numbing jobs and provide tips for job hunting, writing a résumé, and acing an interview. Plus, you’ll learn tips for finding extra jobs if you need cash to attack your debt snowball.
  • Real Estate and Mortgages - Dave draws on over 20 years of real estate experience to teach you how to win when buying or selling your home. Plus, he’ll dissect all of the common mortgage options available today, showing you what to choose—and what to avoid.
  • The Great Misunderstanding - Warning! This lesson will challenge the way you think about money. Dave will show you how generous giving can completely revolutionize your attitude and improve your finances, business and relationships.
If you are anywhere near the DC area, I'd like you to consider registering in this course. I'd love to be able to go through this with some of my readers and fellow debt-dumpers!

Finally there's one last thing in this situation that is of unique significance to my wife and I. The courses start on my 30th birthday. The reason this is so amazing to me is because last year on my 29th birthday it was a HUGE turning point in our Total Money Testimony. It was the day we called the couple that introduced us to this life-changing program. That was the day that they were able to reach their baby step #7 (Build Wealth & GIVE!) by gifting money to us --that we never even asked for -- to help us with a pressing financial situation.

To be real, that day was rock bottom for me. We were in a situation that we couldnt manage on our own, we were 2 months removed from our wedding day and we had run out of options. And all of this was happening on my birthday no less! We felt totally helpless, and the Lord placed that couple in our lives with THIS very program.

It changed us. Not because of the money, or because of greed or anything like that. The change was much deeper than tangible things. This experience has changed us to our very cores because for the first time we feel like money is a resource again instead of a liability.

And so once again thing continue to come full circle for us in that now we are able to spread this message to so many of you. Thank you for the emails and testimonies of how this program is changing your life. It's the greatest gift you can give to my wife and I to know this has made a difference in your household.

The theme at our church for 2008 is "You Better Get Ready"....

So, are you? Good, well then let's get cracking!


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Food Bank: The McDonald's Mentality Pt. I

Photo courtesy of Goombay*

*Photo was taken in New Orleans after Katrina...

As you can see from my post history, I've been coming back to the relationship between food and money lately. Each time I feel I've exhausted the point, I discover a new facet to examine.

So with that in mind, I'm turing my focus to the largest chain of fast food restaurants, McDonald's. Before I get into it, consider this: McDonald's serves 47 MILLION custermers daily. Let that sink in for a moment.

Now, Surely you're aware of the health risks of eating too much fast food. But if you look past the food, and really consider the mindset behind McDonald's hold on pop culture you'll learn some startling things about the concepts of debt, credit, predatory lending/marketing and consumer loyalty. With these things in mind I just ask that you consider McDonald's to be our 'Metaphor' for all things instant gratification, quick-n-easy, and of little value.

In order to set the stage properly for this series though, I must invite you to open your bible - YES your bible - to see the first example of McDonald's business model...

Jacob & Esau

The story is found in Genesis 25:29-34 (KJV)

29 And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he was faint:
30 And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom.
31 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright.
32 And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?
33 And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.
34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.

Did you miss it? What does this have to do with McDonalds? Well they say a picture is worth a 1000 words so check this out:

(Click to enlarge)

Are you seeing a connection yet? The ad says get a FREE biscuit or sandwich.... but then it says in fine print "With the purchase of ANY medium or large beverage.".... BUT in order to get the 'free' coupon... you have to put in your email address, name, and Date of Birth?!? If my counting is correct that is 2 steps completely removed from FREE.

I hate to tell you but you just pulled an Esau if you signed up for this mess. Why don't you just email them your social security number and drivers license too! Are you THAT hungry? At least Esau had part of an excuse, dude was faint "at the point to die" lol.

See - and I want you to listen to me VERY carefully - THIS IS WHERE IT STARTS. This is exaclty how we get into debt. Early, often and easily. This isnt targeted at you or me, well not really. It's just a fish hook. Dangling in the water for whatever fish will bite the line. Most likely someone younger than us either in age or financial responsibility will see this as a "deal". (As if McDonald's is doing them a favor by extending such an offer.)

Everything of 'value' cant always be quantified in dollars and cents.

You just exchanged permanent personal information, for a nasty chicken sandwich, and didnt even bat an eye while doing so... It's all... become... so simple.

Ba da ba ba baa... It's loving YOU. Because if they can get you to give up your personal information for the 'cost' of a chicken sandwich (and the mandatory drink you purchased, of course) then they KNOW you'll be giving up a few dollars soon. They've got a bite.

Hook, line, and sinker...

It's not identity theft if you sign up willingly. Just like Jacob never 'stole' the birthright from his brother, he sold it to him for chicken noodle soup. Shady? Yes. Manipulative? Yes. Against the law? No.

Stay tuned... this is just the prelude. The gloves are coming off.



A Near-crash Course In STUPID TAX!

Photo courtesy of rollingtheberries

I messed up royally yesterday...

Stupid Tax can be defined as anything stupid you do that ends up costing you money. Simple as that. It can be that get rich quick scheme that is so "foolproof" that you used your rent money as the down payment. It can be that $700 white Prada bag you accidentally spilled nail polish on (let's have a moment of silence for the ladies, I know they felt that one. lol)

So yeah, I messed up yesterday. It's almost a shame because otherwise it was a truly PERFECT day! We got to church early. (A rarity.) We took communion. (MUCH needed.) We spent time with our friends and church family. (Always a pleasure.) And then we decided to drive across the Potomac and check out the newly opened National Harbor.

It was nice over there but we didnt stay because my wife didnt have a change of shoes and I didnt want her feet to hurt. So we were headed back to VA, and while trying to merge onto 95 South, I saw a muffler lying in the middle of the lane. The car in front of me centers their car and rides right over it without incident... I try to do the same... center my car over it and...

The muffler somehow nicks the inside wall of my front driver side tire... instant blowout.

See friends, THAT'S stupid tax lol. Like I alwasy say: If you're gonna fail, fail epicly! lol

But here is the amazing difference between the stupid tax I used to pay with regularity, and the stupid tax I occasionally have to pay now: There is no pain, and there is no panic. Instead there is peace, Financial Peace, because I've already budgeted money for my mistakes. It's called our emergency fund, and this situation is a prime example of why you need one.

We have money in our emergency fund to cover replacing the blown tire. And that's all there is to it. We just pay to replace the tire and keep it moving! No wringing our hands. No being caught financially unprepared. No flared tempers with the wife and no arguing.

Financial PEACE.

Once again, my wife was effortlessly calm, and supportive. Her disposition in times of adversity truly humbles and awes me. We were on the side of the road laughing and cracking jokes as I put the spare tire on! Once I finished putting it on, we spent the rest of the afternoon driving the long way home thru DC. We just had a BLOWOUT, this is supposed to be serious emergency stuff and we're both as carefree as we were at church earlier!

On that note, I'm certain that our taking communion earlier at church played a large part in the peace we felt in this situation as well.

Isaiah 26:3 (KJV) says: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

The Word aint no joke! That's exactly where my mind was (On Him), so I know that's where the real peace came from... peace that not even all this money talk can't buy.

Thank you Jesus,


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