
I Think We Need A Change...

Photo courtesy of Forgotten memory

As you know if you've been around us for even 5 minutes, we've been at this for almost 2 full years now! September 13th - which also happens to be my birthday - will make it official.

Within those 2 years we've picked up a lot of personal insight and we've also tweaked a number of techniques to find a more 'custom' fit than most of the major programs provide. We took all of the info and then applied our personal filter to it based on our beleif system, our financial situation at the time, and our decisions based on just how aggressive we wanted to be at the outset. Once we got the hang of it we essentially just let it run it's course without much change. Sure there was a streamlining process that we had to go thru but it mostly happened as a result of our weekly budget meetings and in very small increments.

But now I'm coming to a place where I feel we need a change in strategy. And I'd prefer for it to be a MAJOR change! At times I question if we are somehow too 'comfortable' with the pace we've settled into lately. Quite honestly there are times where I dont feel very "Gazelle Intense" at all about what we're doing.

And then when you couple with that the fact that we are quickly becoming role models through the ever-extending reach of this blog, Facebook and Twitter it becomes a challenge sometimes to manage a balance between what we're doing as a household vs. what we want to empower you to do as a person/family.

The bottom line is that I feel the need to possibly change the way we are approaching our debt. I'm looking for a way to make it 'fresh' again to us in spite of the fact that we've accomplished so much and are now at our virtual halfway point in the journey.

I'd love to hear ideas from any of you who have felt this same way and done something about it! Please leave me a comment below or hit me up on Twitter with your suggestions!

See ya next time,


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