Photo coutesy of Bettina.Schwarz
In the last 2 posts I've kind of gone thru a sort of 'reset'. Maybe it's a second wind of sorts? I dont know. But I've felt the need to simplify the emotions and actions WE (my wife and I) faced when we first started out so that YOU can duplicate them as much as possible.
In the first post of this mini-series, I laid out exactly what we're doing and how it has helped us pay off $49,000 in debt in only 19 months! In the second post I continued to zoom in on the mindset and underlying philosophy of "Living Like No One Else".
Luckily we never felt overwhelmed with the process, and I think that is in part due to what I intend to share with you in this post. In his book The Total Money Makeover, Dave Ramsey calls them the Baby Steps. They are meant to be simple bullet points on your journey to debt freedom.
But please dont sleep! Just because these steps are simple, doesnt mean they're for 'simple' people. It takes vision, committment, and perseverance to see these steps through to completion!
I want to take a few moments to list them out below, but I'll delve deeper into each step in future posts.
Step One: Save $1000.00 CASH as quickly as you can to start "Emergency Fund"
Step Two: Pay off ALL debt in order from smallest to largest using "Debt Snowball".
Step Three: Save 3-6 months worth of expenses, to fully fund "Emergency Fund".
Step Four: Invest 15% of income into Roth IRA's and Pre-tax retirement.
Step Five: Begin funding your childrens' College Educations.
Step Six: Pay off your home early
Step Seven: Build Wealth & GIVE! (Mutual Funds, Real Estate, ect.)
Step "Zero": STOP using any forms of credit and accepting new forms of credit.
Pretty simple and straight forward right? Well yes, and no. Yes, because they set a framework for you to follow. No, because if you dont follow the framework that has been set... you'll only be making it harder for yourself. In addition, these steps can't tell you how aggressive to be in your Total Money Makeover. The intensity level must be left up to you.
The downfall to the simplicity of this plan is that so many "SMART" people in this world think they need to re-invent the wheel and make it more sophisticated. But as the saying goes "K-I-S-S" (Keep It Simple Stupid).
As I said before, I'll be breaking each step down and explaining why the order is so important. I'll also be sharing exactly why we REALLY chose to stick with this system. As you become more and more familiar with the steps, you will inevitably feel that something is "wrong" about them. This is natural! At first, I did too, until I realized how CONDITIONED i had become by the FICO scores and the credit card industry! They NEED you to NEED them, and they're NOT going to make it EASY for you to cut them loose!
We'll talk about that further in my next post where I'll address the 'objections' I've heard toward getting out of debt. The reason objections is in quotes is because the people objecting were spitting out all the BS that is fed to them daily by the media and credit card industry.
Next Episode: "Paying On It VS. Paying it Off"
You are worthy of the journey!
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